Expunction Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Sugar Land and Fort Bend County, Texas
Sugar Land Expunction Lawyer/Non-Disclosure Lawyer in Texas- Having an arrest or indictment on your criminal record can be disastrous to your personal and professional life. Did you know that after you have accepted deferred adjudication probations for your misdemeanor and/or felony arrest and have completed the probation in agreement with a dismissal, this offense still remains on your record for life? Did you know that even though your case got dismissed, it still shows up as a dismissal (with the charge) for the rest of your life? This is one the biggest generally accepted misconceptions regarding a dismissal.
Your arrest, court and probation terms remain on your record, and are available to the public unless you are granted a petition for non-disclosure by the courts or an expunction. These measures will have your offense legally removed from your record by the courts. You may be entitled to have your Texas criminal record cleaned if you meet certain qualifications.
Your arrest, court and probation terms remain on your record, and are available to the public unless you are granted a petition for non-disclosure by the courts or an expunction. These measures will have your offense legally removed from your record by the courts. You may be entitled to have your Texas criminal record cleaned if you meet certain qualifications.