Aggravated Assault Attorney in Waco, TEXAS
Aggravated Assault Attorney in Waco
When charged with aggravated assault, it's important to secure a qualified and experienced Waco, TX aggravated assault defense firm. A conviction of this type can carry serious punishments that may include imprisonment, fines, and even a criminal record that can follow you for life. With the right professional on your side, there is hope.
Jason Lawrence is an experienced aggravated assault attorney in Waco who understands the intricacies of Texas law and is committed to providing the best possible defense for clients facing aggravated assault charges. He can provide you with an aggressive, comprehensive, and professional legal defense that is tailored to your circumstances.
Jason Lawrence is an experienced aggravated assault attorney in Waco who understands the intricacies of Texas law and is committed to providing the best possible defense for clients facing aggravated assault charges. He can provide you with an aggressive, comprehensive, and professional legal defense that is tailored to your circumstances.