Aggravated Assault Lawyer in Sugar Land and Fort Bend County, Texas
Fort Bend County Harris County Aggravated Assault Attorney – Jason Lawrence Texas Aggravated Assault Defense in Fort Bend County and Harris County, Texas According to the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Uniform Crime Report, there were 71,561 aggravated assaults in the state in 2010 alone. Aggravated assault is treated as a serious crime in Texas and as such, you may face serious penalties if convicted. If you or someone you love has been arrested for aggravated assault in the Fort Bend County area, contacting an experienced criminal defense attorney should be your first priority. Under Texas Penal Code § 22.02, one can be charged with aggravated assault if one knowingly or recklessly assaults another person with an additional aggravating factor to the case such as serious bodily injury to another person. Another aggravating factor is assaulting someone with the use of a deadly weapon, with use being defined as broadly as only showing or displaying the weapon. Most often, an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon is a second-degree felony (see Texas Penal Code § 22.02(b)). Section 22.02(b)(1), creates an exception to the assault if done to someone performing their roles as a public servant.